1. Lt. Dan Choi handcuffs himself to the White House gate.2. Kathy Griffin leads the crowd in the pledge of allegience at the DADT rally in DCPhotos by Patsy Lynch.
1. Lt. Dan Choi handcuffs himself to the White House gate.2. Kathy Griffin leads the crowd in the pledge of allegience at the DADT rally in DCPhotos by Patsy Lynch.
1. Lt. Dan Choi handcuffs himself to the White House gate.2. Kathy Griffin leads the crowd in the pledge of allegience at the DADT rally in DCPhotos by Patsy Lynch.
1. Lt. Dan Choi handcuffs himself to the White House gate.2. Kathy Griffin leads the crowd in the pledge of allegience at the DADT rally in DCPhotos by Patsy Lynch.