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WCQ265 Happy Thanksgiving!

This article shared 44 times since Thu Nov 27, 2008
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Host: Amy Matheny with Kelli Simpkins

We're all about giving thanks on this Queercast or maybe it's thanks giving, you decide. Kelli recounts her meeting with Sharon Gless with child-like excitement. What happens when your heroes fail to live up to your expectations? Amy and Kelli share some Thanksgiving stories. Amy admits a childhood fear that would happen each Thanksgiving night.

Bi-the-way: Cyn discusses how the straight community perceives bisexuals on this episode of Bi-the-way.

Movie MEGA Minute: MILK - visit the Official Movie Site

For more reviews from Richard Knight Jr, visit

Music Featured on This Queercast:

Kelly Clarkson - "Thankful"

Photo credit:

This article shared 44 times since Thu Nov 27, 2008
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Gay News

Gerber/Hart Library and Archives holds third annual Spring Soiree benefit
Gerber/Hart Library and Archives (Gerber/Hart) hosted the "Courage in Community: The Gerber/ Hart Spring Soiree" event April 18 at Sidetrack, marking the everyday and extraordinary intrepidness of the entire LGBTQ+ ...

Gay News

Pritzker Military Library to close in July, move to Wisconsin
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Gay News

Leather Archives & Museum announces 2024 Fetish Film Forum
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Gay News

Gerber/Hart Library and Archives holds Spring Soiree benefit event at Sidetrack
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Gay News

Bears, cubs and their admirers return for Illinois Bear Contest
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Gay News

Gerber/Hart Library and Archives holds 'Unboxing Queer History LIVE' fall benefit
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Gay News

LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH San Francisco Public Library digitizes LGBTQ+ archives, including Harvey Milk holdings
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Gay News

LGBT HISTORY MONTH Archives for ALL, y'all!
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Gay News

Gerber/Hart fall benefit on Oct. 15
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Gay News

ONE Archives names Tony Valenzuela as executive director
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Gay News

Chicago LGBTQ+ leaders, activists reflect on Pride Month at event state Sen. Simmons hosts
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Gay News

Critically acclaimed Queer Serial History Podcast continues new series into Pride Month
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Gay News

LGBTQ Religious Archives Network holds 'AIDS, Activism and American Christianity' webinar
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Gay News

Gerber/Hart announces change in leadership
Wil Brant is no longer executive director of Gerber/Hart Library and Archives. According to an open letter from board co-chairs James Conley and Kevin Nunley as well as Board Treasurer Becky Chmielewski, Brant "served in this ...

Gay News

ONE Archives running exhibit of vintage LGBTQ+ activist posters
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