Scotland announces five-year plan to help nonbinary people

Scotland Equalities, Migrations and Refugees Minister Emma Roddick MSP. Photo from official Facebook page

Scotland's government has announced a five-year action plan to improve the lives of non-binary people, Yahoo! News reported.

Among other things, the first-of-its-kind plan in the UK (and, quite possibly, in the world) includes actions to support research on the experiences of nonbinary people in Scotland as well as funding training for fertility-preservation providers regarding trans and nonbinary healthcare needs.

Equalities, Migrations and Refugees Minister Emma Roddick said the plan will "contribute to improving the experiences of nonbinary people and begin to tackle some of the challenges that they currently face in their everyday lives."

Pro-LGBTQ+ organizations such as Scottish Trans, Equality Network, LGBT Youth Scotland, Stonewall Scotland, LGBT Health and Wellbeing, LEAP Sports and Time for Inclusive Education praised the plan. Stonewall UK stated on X (formerly Twitter), "We applaud the Scottish government on becoming the first government in the world to publish a time-bound range of deliverable actions specifically for nonbinary people."

The plan was published in response to the recommendations of the government's Working Group on Non-Binary Equality, following the decision of the country's government to not extend legal gender recognition to nonbinary people through reform of the Gender Recognition Act.

The full plan is at Website Link Here "> Link Here .

—Andrew Davis

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