Cook County's Kevin Morrison attends signing of Respect for Marriage Act at the White House
-- From a press release

President Biden signing the Respect for Marriage Act. Photo from the office of Cook County Commissioner Kevin B. Morrison, 15th District

Washington D.C. — December 13thth 2022 — Cook County Commissioner Kevin Morrison attended the signing of the historic Respect for Marriage Act recently passed by both chambers of congress.

The bill guarantees the federal rights, benefits, and obligations of marriages in the federal code for same-sex couples; repeals the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA); and affirms that public acts, records and proceedings should be recognized by all states. It also codifies the same rights for interracial couples.

The invitation was extended to Commissioner Kevin Morrison in large part due to his status as the first openly LGBTQ+ Cook County Commissioner. In response to the invitation, Commissioner Morrison had this to say:

"I am honored to be able to attend such a historic and momentous occasion. I believe I speak for many when I say thank you to President Biden and the members of Congress who passed this bipartisan legislation. That this bill was not only possible to pass but received robust support from both sides of the aisle speaks to how far we have come as a nation. With so many attempting to divide us with hate and violence against our LGBT community, the official recognition of our fundamental right to love who we love and to live as our full and authentic selves is appreciated beyond measure."

The bill was signed into law officially by President Biden at 3:30pm E.T. on the South Lawn of the White House.

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